Coronavirus & Wedding Planning
How to plan a wedding during the coronavirus outbreak?

Coronavirus spreading fast, affecting everyone & everything in its path. It is spreading quickly & has high alert all over the world. Unfortunately, it's also affecting your wedding & event plans. What should you do? What about your plans for the big day? How about your honeymoon? Should you cancel the plans? If not, what should you do to protect yourself & your guests? How long would this go on??? There is no sign of stopping anytime soon. Wedding planning is hard as is without outbreaks, Coronavirus is making it more stressful. no one Can even predict what happens in the future. How long do you have to wait to start planning or rescheduling? Believe it or not, Coronavirus is not only affecting wedding plans it is affecting wedding dresses also. Yes, it is no surprise that like everything else a lot of wedding dresses are made in China. With all factories being closed due to Coronavirus the shops seeing a shortage of even bridal gowns, bridesmaid dresses & tuxedos.
A Very Unwelcome Wedding Guest
As per The Atlantic!
Your wedding /event planning or cancelation would depend on many factors. The most important thing during the time you trying to make a decision is to keep all your guests updated. Keep the communication lines open, email, call, send postcards, or update your wedding website. Let your family & friends know of your decision as soon as you can so they can do what is needed. It is a very stressful time for almost all industries one way or another almost everyone is affected by this. Stores, companies, vendors, venues, factories, small and large events... the list can go on & on.
There is always a solution to a problem!
Remember, Stress isn’t Going to Help!

Rest assured The venues are doing all they can to accommodate your scheduled events. Be sure to discuss your thoughts with your planner or the venue staff and listen to what they have to say. Don't just cancel your plans without consulting the venue owners, staff, vendors, and your family. The outstanding staff at these great venues are always available to answer any question you might have. Here is what 3 of the best venues in NJ had to say about stepping up to make sure your big day can go on as planned.

Don't Stop Planning!
Planning your big day! Wedding planning is not an easy and quick task, it will require months and months of searching, choosing, consulting... Should you stop planning for the future? Not really, go ahead and start or continue planning, be smart about it and make sure you have a plan B just in case. With everything available online you don't have to leave your house, Coronavirus can't stop you! We are delighted if you start your search with us from the comfort of your house. Grab your honey, your favorite drink, and cozy up, let show you some of the most talked-about venues in and near NJ.
20 venues in 20 minutes
You can quickly and easily look at the complete virtual tour of venues. Move around each room, each corner, inside & out as if you are walking around in these gorgeous venues. Really "20 venues in 20 minutes"! When you are done with that check out our blogs about wedding dresses, tips, trends, and more. Don't forget to head over to the vendor section and upcoming events. Let us help you start, send your questions to venues & vendors, contact them for more information, and if time permits write us a little review. We would love to hear from you, your thoughts about our services, and best of all let us know what you like to see on our site and we will provide it to you.
Understand & Ask About Cancelation Policies!
If you are in an area where the virus is spreading fast, it is up to you to cancel the event or not. Chances are most people in the area will be affected. keep in mind, if you are moving forward with your plans many guests may not show up, especially if they are coming from other areas. If you are going to cancel the event, then speak to the venue and all vendors about rescheduling at a later date. Understand the cancellation policy and see how you can reschedule the event.
Think about who is important to be at the wedding and where they are coming from. Are your immediate family members traveling from areas that are hit hard by this virus? Are your parents, grandparents, or other older family members have to travel away from home? whether they are traveling to or from an area affected by Corona or not, being away from home at this time might be difficult for elders. Be sure to consider everything before making a decision.
Open space, ventilation, light

If your big day is during the warm weather, plan to have it outdoors in an open area. Setting the chairs & tables a few feet from each other will be a good idea. It is safer and guests will feel more at ease if the meal is served individually instead of buffet style. No need for wearing masks, so practice good hygiene. Have wipes and hand sanitizers available and asks your guests, especially children to wash their hands often with soap for at least 25 seconds.
Buy Wedding Insurance
peace of mind is important!

No one knows when this will be over. You should go ahead and plan for your big day but spend that little bit of extra money and buy the wedding insurance. Check with vendors and venues to see how their insurance covers the Coronavirus situation. It will be a good idea to use wedding planners and their services.
How about the Honeymoon?

Should you cancel or postpone your honeymoon? Well, it all depends on where you going. There are travel restrictions to places affected by Coronavirus and it is just not safe to go at this time. Keep in mind if you travel outside the US you may not be able to come back easily. If you already booked your flight, cruise, or hotel, contact them and see how they can help you. If you are planning for the future then be sure to buy travel insurance.
Hold Off On Major Decisions if You Are Not Comfortable With This Situation.
Things are so uncertain, there's no need to rush into anything.
Some Information According to Red Cross
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.
- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, and throw the tissue away after use. If a tissue isn’t available, cough or sneeze into your elbow or sleeve, not your hands.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.
- Practice other good health habits. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids and eat nutritious food.
- Clean and disinfect doorknobs, switches, handles, computers, telephones, bedside tables, bathroom sinks, toilets, counters, toys, and other surfaces that are commonly touched around the home or workplace.
- To the extent possible, avoid touching commonly used surfaces in public places like elevator buttons, door handles, and handrails, and avoid handshaking with people. Use a tissue or your sleeve to cover your hand or finger if you must touch something.
- Follow the CDC’s recommendations for using a facemask.
- CDC does not recommend that people who are well wear a facemask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.
- Facemasks should be used by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others.
COVID-19 is a new disease, which means scientists and public health experts are still learning how it spreads, the severity of illness it causes and to what extent it may spread in the U.S. Early information shows that some people are at higher risk of getting very sick from this virus. This includes older adults and people who have serious chronic medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and lung disease. If you are at higher risk for serious illness from COVID-19 because of your age or a serious medical condition, it is extra important for you to take action to avoid getting sick.
- Take everyday precautions to keep space between yourself and others.
- When you go out in public, keep away from others who are sick, limit close contact, and wash your hands often.
- Avoid crowds as much as possible.
For more on COVID-19, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the World Health Association.